Sunday, October 24, 2010

Old Christmas, New Christmas

Christmas has changes so much for me over the years. When I was little, I believed in Santa and would wait for him. Now, I stay awake and hear my parents putting presents under the tree. We would also bake cookies and sing. Now we get store bought cookies and listen to the radio. Also, we could open presents together and have fun. Now, we go our separate ways and lock ourselves in our rooms. Christmas used to be fun because we got more presents and there were more things to ask for. Now, I'm lucky if I get four presents. Although some Christmas traditions have changed, some haven't. I still wake up at 3 a.m. to look out my door at the shining gifts under the 9ft. Christmas tree. Christmas will always be my favorite holiday because that's when I spend my most happiest moments with my family.

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